Join Us

We invite the following to cooperate in the project:

1. At the POST-DOC type position, we will employ a researcher who, in cooperation with us, will conduct experimental and microscopic studies on the possibilities of species and technological identification of plant remains on macrolithic stone tools and the traceological interpretation of their functions. The subject of the conducted studies will be the collection of such artefacts from Šventoji. Information on the detailed duties of the person holding this position and the qualification requirements will be provided within a month in the competition announcement.

2. In addition, we invite to cooperate within the project a person with a master’s degree who decides to undertake doctoral studies at the Doctoral School of Humanities, Theology and Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and, under the supervision of Dr. hab. Grzegorz Osipowicz, prof. UMK (Department of Prehistory, Institute of Archeology, NCU in Toruń) and Dr Gytis Piličiauskas (Lithuanian Institute of History) carry out a program of technological and traceological research, culminating in a doctoral dissertation on the possibility of conducting traceological analyses of prehistoric wooden artefacts.

3. We also search for 2-3 people with a BA degree who will undertake experimental and traceology research, culminating in a master’s thesis, addressing the problem of the possibility of identifying technological and use-wear traces of various types of wooden artefacts. Details are to be agreed upon individually.

We provide students and doctoral students participating in the project with education in the field of the traceological method, comprehensive development and acquisition of experience in an international, interdisciplinary research team, and participation in our publications and project ventures, including foreign trips. Interested parties are asked to contact us at: